
Dollar Store Garden Hacks – Projects Made With Supplies From The Dollar Store!

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dollar store garden hacks

8 Beautiful Dollar Store Garden Hacks

Projects Made With Supplies From The Dollar Store!

One of my favorite things about spring, is getting outdoors again and starting to get my garden in order. I love to start at my local dollar store each spring, to see what new things they might have come out with that I can use to add a little something new to my garden, without costing me a fortune. These are some of my favorite dollar store garden hacks you can use, with dollar store supplies this year, to make your garden beautiful.

Plus, check out lots more year round DIY Dollar Tree Craft Ideas too!

herb garden made from dollar store supplies

Herb Gardens –

There are so many things you can use to make a beautiful herb garden at the Dollar stores. Just look for shapes and colors of containers you like best. You can find one large container and add herbs to it, but my favorite way to do an herb garden is to find smaller containers that I like, and do one herb per container.

In addition to the containers, check the craft section of your dollar store, to find things you can use to label your herbs. Craft sticks, mini chalk boards, or even wooden spoons are all ideas that can be used from the dollar store. I like to use the craft sticks (and the whole pack is $1) and then create labels with my Cricut.

Here are three tin pots I found, plus some rope to use to hang it (so $4 total, plus my scrap wood and screws for this project).

To make this herb garden, I used a piece of scrap wood I had lying around. You can buy a small board at places like Walmart (their craft section) or Michaels, Home Depot, etc.

This project is so simple – took me about 10 minutes to assemble it.

  • Start by drilling a few holes into the bottom for drainage
  • Simply screw the pots into the board.
  • Then add your hanger

  • I labeled mine with chalk board labels, as well as used the craft sticks.
  • And lastly, add your herbs!

diy dollar store herb garden

I also found various colorful pots, that you can drill a small hole in, add an s hook (found those at the dollar store this year too), and use the hooks to hang from your fence.

The trick with herb gardens, is to find some kind of material you like, that you can repeat a handful of times to make a statement with the smaller containers.

dollar store garden hack for standing planters

Unique Flower Planters –

For the most part the dollar stores will carry a handful of plastic planter pots in different colors and sizes, and you will sometimes find some tin ones as well. I like to look for colors and shapes that I like, but figure out ways that they can be re-purposed to look a little nicer then just the $1 plastic pots.

Tall Flower Pots –

Sizes are key when doing this pots. Find the largest ones you can at your dollar store, and buy 2 to stack on top of each other, to make one pot that is more substantial in size.

Grab two of these fun colored larger planters, and glue the bottoms together to make a fun plant pot that is higher then the others. One thing I love to do in my garden is to put things at different heights, for more visual interest.

Now just add a plant to the top one, and set them throughout your garden. I especially love these ones in the Spring, as they add beautiful pops of color, as flowers are just starting to bloom.

diy hanging planter

Hanging Flower Pots –

I also love to grab hanging flower planters at dollar stores, for much more affordable versions of hanging plants (vs buying pre-potted hanging plants). You can use them to turn just about any pot of flowers you buy into a hanging planter. There are three easy ways to create hanging plants for your home, for much less they you would buy them for, by using dollar store supplies. They are:

  • buy hanging planters and a liner and plant something in it, or just use the chain from it to hang a pot of flowers you buy.
  • buy just the chain to hang hang just about any pot of flowers you can.
  • buy a piece of rope from the dollar store, and use that hang a potted plant.

Another thing I like to do is find a plant that will fit into the hanging planter, and wrap it in a piece of scrap burlap. Then put it in the hanging planter.

We used some rope from the dollar store to hang this one, and it turned out great.

We were able to turn a $7 plant into a hanging plant (those that were selling as hanging plants where going for more than twice the price of potted plants, so this is a great way to make your own for much less.

dollar store vine planter

Trailing Planters –

I also love to grab these mini trellis pieces for $1, and the elongated tin pots, and make a beautiful trailing plant pot for just $2 (I found my plants for $2 each too, so made the entire piece for $8)! I plan to pot the flowers, but just wanted to show you how easy it is to throw this one together – and it would make a really great gift for the right person too.

$2 in supplies from the Dollar Tree, plus plants to make this one!

You could even paint the tin white or cream and distress it, if you prefer a more farmhouse look.

Bird Feeders –

Hummingbird Feeders

There are a few ways you can use dollar store items to make fun bird feeders for the garden.

The simplest way is to buy the $1 hummingbird feeders. I have used one of these all last summer, and it attracted hummingbirds all summer long.

dollar store hummingbird feeder hack

(Note – when I originally made this feeder I used some hummingbird nectar I bought at our local feed store. We have received some comments mentioning that you should not use nectar that has red food coloring in it, so we will get new pictures for next year, but just wanted to let folks know to look for some without the red coloring (or make your own without it!)). 

You can also upcycle them into something more by buying a handful of them and hanging them from a repurposed metal lantern or outdoor chandelier. This provides plenty of food to invite those beautiful hummingbirds in the summer, to enjoy! We added yellow flower solar lights we also picked up at the Dollar store to ours, so it glows at night too.

dollar store cookie tray garden flowers

Garden Art Pieces – Dollar Store Garden Hacks:

Here are a few more dollar store garden hacks you can use to transform every day items into beautiful garden art!

Tin Cookie Sheet Flowers for Garden Art –

We made this tin flower for some garden art last summer, and it is still holding up strong in our garden this year. This project is so simple, and so affordable – and you can use any colors you want in your garden to bring some art work to it.

Find full instructions on how to do this one here.

Glass Flowers for Garden Art –

You won’t be able to find all of the supplies you need for glass flowers at the dollar store, but you can start to shop your supply list here to save more. We show you how to make them here, and you can find glass plates or bowls many places – but the Dollar Store is a good spot to start for affordable glassware.

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  1. The issue about red dye in hummingbird feeders is not true. It started back in the ‘50s and ‘60s. The previous version of red dye was indeed harmful. It was totally band from the US soon after discover it was possible toxic – even for humans. That was the original source of this now “wives tale”. The US now only allows red dye #40. It is harmless and it is the only red dye available in the US. Some choose to use beet juice since it is red but that is more harmful than red dye #40.

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